


Figur 2.1. Tillgängliga kommandon i menyn Åtgärder

ÅtgärderInstallera/ta bort paket (g) If an installation preview is not visible, display one; otherwise, perform an install run as described in “Hämta, installera och ta bort paket”.
ÅtgärderUppdatera paketlistan (u) Uppdaterar paketlistan.
ÅtgärderMarkera uppgraderingsbar (U) Flag all upgradable packages, except those which are held or forbidden from upgrading, for upgrade.
ÅtgärderGlöm nya paket (f) Discard all information about what packages are “new” (empty the “New Packages” tree).
ÅtgärderAvbryt väntande åtgärder Cancel all pending installations, removals, upgrades, and holds. This is equivalent to executing the Keep command on every package in the package database.
ÅtgärderRensa paketcachen Delete all the compressed packages that were downloaded by aptitude [a].
ÅtgärderRensa föråldrade filer Delete any compressed packages that were downloaded by aptitude [a] and are no longer available. These are presumed to be packages which are obsolete, and can be deleted to save disk space without requiring an otherwise unnecessary download.
ÅtgärderSpela Minröj Play a game of Minesweeper, as described in “Spela Minröj”.
ÅtgärderBli root Continue working as the root user; see “Bli root.
ÅtgärderAvsluta (Q) Quit the program, saving any changes to package states.

[a] Or any other apt utility.


Figur 2.2. Tillgängliga kommandon i menyn Ångra

ÅngraÅngra (Control+u) Cancel the effect of the last change to a package's state, up to the last time the program was started, the package list was updated, or an install run was performed.


Figur 2.3. Tillgängliga kommandon i menyn Paket

PaketInstallera (+) Flag the currently selected package for installation.
PaketTa bort (-) Flag the currently selected package for removal.
PaketRensa (_) Flag the currently selected package to be purged.
PaketBehåll (:) Cancel any pending installation, upgrade, or removal of the currently selected package, and remove any hold that was set on the package.
PaketHåll kvar (=) Hold the currently selected package back.
PaketMarkera automatiskt (M) Mark the currently selected package as an “automatically installed” package. For more information on manually and automatically installed packages, see “Hantera automatiskt installerade paket”.
PaketMarkera manuell (m) Mark the currently selected package as a “manually installed” package. For more information on manually and automatically installed packages, see “Hantera automatiskt installerade paket”.
PaketFörbjud version (F) If a package that can be upgraded is selected, forbid it from being upgraded to the currently available version. If a version of a package is selected, forbid the package from being upgraded to that version.
PaketInformation (enter) Display a screen containing information about the currently selected package, such as the packages it depends upon, the packages which depend upon it, and its available versions.
PaketÄndringslogg (C) Display the currently selected package's Debian changelog. To see the changelog of a particular version, select that version and execute this command.


Figur 2.4. Tillgängliga kommandon i menyn Problemlösare

ProblemlösarenUndersök lösning (e) Display a detailed description of the problem resolver's current suggestion (see “Lösa beroendeproblem”).
ProblemlösarenGenomför lösning (!) Carry out the actions that the problem resolver is currently suggesting.
ProblemlösarenNästa lösning (.) Select the problem resolver's next suggestion.
ProblemlösarenFöregående lösning (,) Select the problem resolver's previous suggestion.
ProblemlösarenFörsta lösningen (<) Select the problem resolver's first suggestion.
ProblemlösarenSista lösningen (>) Select the problem resolver's most recently generated solution (see “Lösa beroendeproblem”).
ProblemlösarenVäxla vägrad (r) When examining a solution, toggle whether the currently selected action is rejected and move to the next action (see “Lösa beroendeproblem”). If the action is currently approved, its approval will be cancelled.
ProblemlösarenVäxla godkänd (a) When examining a solution, toggle whether the currently selected action is approved and move to the next action (see “Lösa beroendeproblem”). If the action is currently rejected, its rejection will be cancelled.
ProblemlösarenVisa mål (Enter) When examining a solution, view detailed information about the package which is affected by the currently selected action (see “Lösa beroendeproblem”).


Figur 2.5. Tillgängliga kommandon i menyn Sök

SökSök (/) Find the next package in the package list that matches a search pattern (see “Sökmönster”).
SökSök baklänges (\) Find the previous package in the package list that matches a search pattern (see “Sökmönster”).
SökSök igen (n) Repeat the last Find command.
SökBegränsa visning (l) Filter the current package list by removing any packages which do not match a search pattern (see “Sökmönster”).
SökTa bort begränsning (l) Un-filter the current package list (all packages will be shown).
SökSök trasiga (b) Find the next broken package. This is equivalent to searching for ~b.


Figur 2.6. Tillgängliga kommandon i menyn Alternativ

InställningarGränssnitt Display a dialog box in which you can set options pertaining to the interface (how messages are displayed, how packages are organized, etc).
InställningarBeroendehantering Display a dialog box in which you can set options pertaining to how dependencies are treated: for instance, whether to automatically installed packages which are recommended by other packages.
InställningarDiverse Display a dialog box in which you can set options that don't fit into the previous two categories: for instance, whether packages should be automatically flagged for upgrade when aptitude starts.
InställningarÅterställ Återställ alla alternativ till sina standardvärden.



För en översikt över hur vyer fungerar, se “Arbeta med flera vyer”.

Figur 2.7. Tillgängliga kommandon i menyn Vyer

VyerNästa (F6) Ändra till nästa aktiva vy.
VyerFöregående (F7) Ändra till föregående aktiva vy.
VyerStäng (q) Stäng den aktuella vyn.
VyerVy för nya paket Skapa en ny vy för paketlistan.
VyerGranska rekommendationer Create a view that displays packages which are not installed, and which a package installed on your system Recommends.
VyerNy flat paketlista Create a new view of the package list in which packages are not categorized.
VyerNy Debtaggbläddrare Create a new view of the package list in which packages are categorized according to their debtags entries.
VyerBläddra bland nya kategorier View the package list, arranged by category.
Ytterligare poster A number of additional menu items appear; these correspond to the currently active views. To switch directly to a view, select it from the menu.


Figur 2.8. Tillgängliga kommandon i menyn Hjälp

HjälpOm Visa information om upphovsrätt.
HjälpHjälp (?) Display the on-line help page.
HjälpAnvändarhandbok Visa användarhandboken (detta dokument).
HjälpVanliga frågor Visa Vanliga frågor för aptitude.
HjälpÄndringslogg Display a history of the major changes made to aptitude.
HjälpLicens Display the terms under which you may copy, modify, and distribute aptitude.