Konfigurera ett hjälpmedelstangentbord

Använd inställningsverktyget Tangentbord för att konfigurera alternativ för tangentbordshjälpmedel. För att öppna inställningsverktyget Tangentbord, välj System ▸ Inställningar ▸ Tangentbord. Alternativ för hjälpmedel kan aktiveras genom att välja fliken Hjälpmedel.

The Accessibility tabbed section allows the following options:

"Allow to turn accessibility features on and off from the keyboard" (Alt-A) - this determines if keyboard accessibility functions can be turned on or off with a key command.

Simulate simultaneous keypresses (Alt-S) - allows multiple shift (or other) keys to be entered individually but processed as a single combination keystroke. This keyboard accessibility technique is known as "sticky keys."

Disable sticky keys if two keys are pressed together (Alt-B) - automatically exit the sticky keys mode if any key combination is entered normally (eq, at the same time instead of entered individually).

Only accept long keypresses (Alt-O) - in this mode, keys must be pressed for a given length of time before they are accepted as input. This accessibility technique is also known as "slow keys." This portion of the Accessibility tabbed section also supplies a Delay slider (Alt-D) to indicate the press-down delay before the key is accepted as input.

Ignore fast duplicate keypresses (Alt-I) - in this mode, successive entry of the same key will only have a single instance of that key accepted as input. This accessibility technique is also known as "bounce keys." This portion of the Accessibility tabbed section also supplies a Delay slider (Alt-E) to indicate the press-down delay before successive keys are ignored.