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Bilder från Daniel Nylander.se

Daniel Nylander.se

Svenska översättningar av öppen källkod, Ubuntu, Debian, Translation Project, GNU, Linux, UNIX, VoIP, IT-Säkerhet, experiment, väl valda ord och delvis sinnesnärvaro

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Archive for april, 2005

apr '05

AstriCon Europe

Welcome to AstriCon Europe, the first European conference dedicated to the Asterisk Open Source PBX. Madrid, Spain – Hotel Auditorium June 15 to 17th 2005 The Astricon Conference conference is dedicated to all things Asterisk. The event, composed of tutorials, a trade show, a user conference, and a developer summit, promises to be an exciting […]

apr '05

dCAP: Digium Certified Asterisk Professional

dCAP, Digium Certified Asterisk Professional, is a verification of your knowledge of Asterisk. The certification covers a specific released, stable version of Asterisk. The current dCAP exam covers Version 1.0.x of Asterisk. dCAP membership includes priority accesss to Digium technical support, discounts on AstriCon events, co-marketing opportunities, a listing on the Digium web site as […]

apr '05

Asterisk på ett 32MB USB-minne

AstLinux 0.2.4 AstLinux is a custom Linux distro built to run from Compact Flash. Right now it fits pretty comfortably on a 32mb Compact Flash card (under 27mb used space). This Compact Flash card stays mounted read-only %99 of the time. AstLinux has two ”images” available. One specifically for the Soekris Net4801, and one for […]

apr '05

IPSwitchBoard – nu på svenska

IPSwitchBoard is an Operators Panel for the Asterisk PBX. IPSwitchBoard is a FREE Windows.NET application which gives you: * Unattended/attended transfers. * Park calls and retrieve/forward them again. * Organize all your SIP and IAX extensions (automatically retreived from Asterisk). * Monitor all extensions. * Monitor all queues. * Monitor Agents. * Monitor Parked Calls. […]

apr '05

Script till Asterisk – Sök bland riktnummer

Skrev mitt första simpla script till Asterisk. Sökning bland Sveriges riktnummer. Så här fungerar det: Ring 099 (eller vad du nu sätter upp den till) Knappa in riktnumret (till exempel 0510) Så säger den ”Riktnumret 0510 är Lidköping” Simpelt. Kräver att du har installerat mitt ”areacode-ljudpaket”. http://www.danielnylander.se/asterisk/areacodes-0.1.tar.gz

apr '05

Svenska riktnummer

Har i kväll skapat ett ljudpaket med alla svenska riktnummer. Till exempel: 0510 för Lidköping Används till.. tja, vad du vill 🙂 265 filer i paketet. http://www.danielnylander.se/asterisk/asterisk-areacodes-se.tar.gz Filerna kommer även att läggas med i nästa release av Svenska Rösterna.

apr '05

Fix till Asterisk CVS

En ändring har gjorts i senaste CVS’n i bland annat Voicemail funktionen (vm-options.gsm m.fl) En fix till er som kör mina röstfiler och senaste CVS’n. http://www.danielnylander.se/asterisk/asterisk-cvs-voicemail-fix.tar.gz

apr '05

Bil till salu

Nu har jag satt ut en annons på min kära bil. http://vibilagare.bilweb.se/Usedcar/Default.cfm?Page=4&VehicleID=9264273

apr '05

MAME 0.95u2 släppt

0.95u2 —— Incredible Tech. 8-bit update [Aaron Giles] * added extensive documentation on all the various PCB layouts * reorganized drivers to match PCB information * fixed paging/flicker problems in Poker Dice/Dyno Bop * fixed lack of announcer voices in Rim Rockin’ Basketball (rimrockn057gre) * fixed P3/P4 controls in Rim Rockin’ Basketball * added ”behind […]

apr '05

MAME 0.95u1 släppt

0.95u1 —— Irem M92 dip corrections [Brian Troha] Patches to fix compile errors with VC [Bryan McPhail] Link Warning Fixes [Lawrence Gold] Misc Updates [Nathan Woods] src/cpu/hd6309/6309ops.c: src/cpu/hd6309/6309tbl.c: – Fixed 6309 SEXW instruction src/fileio.c: – Adding a MESS specific option to FILETYPE_SCREENSHOT Best League update [Pierpaolo Prazzoli] – Fixed tilemaps and sprites offsets – Fixed […]