Väsentliga tangentbordskommandon

Innan du fortsätter bör du känna till följande väsentliga GNOME-kommandon:

Alt+F1 [Debian] - display and activate the GNOME Desktop menu bar. This grants access to the Applications, Places and System menu bar items.

För Solaris och Windows-system är denna tangent Ctrl+Esc.

Alt+F2 or Meta+R - summons the Run dialog, where you can issue terminal commands with or without parameters. If a file needs to be passed as one of these parameters, use the Run With File button to easily locate the file needed. This dialog also presents an alternate list of known applications which may be easier to navigate than the Debian system desktop menu (Alt+F1) approach.

För Solaris-system är denna tangent Meta+R (som med Microsoft Windows). En meta- eller super-tangent är en skifttangent med en operativsystemslogotyp på.

Tab and Shift+Tab - move focus within an application between controls; use Tab to cycle forward through controls and Shift+Tab to cycle backwards. Controls are any user-interactive element that you can manipulate, such as buttons, drop-down lists, text fields, etc. Ctrl+Tab and Shift+Ctrl+Tab are used instead where Tab and Shift+Tab are reserved for use by the focused control.

Alt+Tab and Shift+Alt+Tab - switches between currently running applications. If you have multiple programs running, use Alt+Tab to cycle forward through the applications and Shift+Alt+Tab to cycle backwards. Alt+Esc and Shift+Alt+Esc also cycle between applications, but without an application preview window.